PodCASTS & Kirtans

Sacinandana Swami’s podcast features kirtans, philosophy, tips and meditations that will help you deepen your chanting. All the teachings and seminars presented on the topic of chanting have been churned from the instructions of great bhakti masters, sacred scriptures, and the experiences of exalted saints. 

Sacinandana Swami has dedicated more than forty-five years to inspiring and teaching chanters to attain higher and higher stages in their spiritual life, allowing them to experience the spiritual delights of the Holy Name and gain more and more taste for the practice itself. 

As he says, “When the sun of the Holy Name rises in your heart, it will dispel the darkness that keeps you separated from the Lord and the eternal world of spirit… Become aware of who you are: a soul longing to reconnect with the Lord. By the practice of chanting, you will arrive there!” 

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