Sarnagati No. 137

Is this the wrong life?

Question: How can I prioritize reading and studying in my life? I manage other services, but it seems like life is too full for studying scripture. Often, I can only read a verse in the evening before bed, when I’m super tired. Where can I get the strength to prioritize reading?
Answer: Very good question. Life goes by so fast, have you also noticed this? And it’s becoming quicker and quicker. But maybe that’s the wrong life.
[Audience laughs] Seriously, listen please. I think we all need to ask ourselves the question: am I living the right type of life? If we don’t ask this question and make necessary corrections, we might end up at the wrong destination at the end of our life, a place we never wanted to go.
I think many of us are moving, but in the wrong direction. We may feel a sense of achievement in our heart, we work hard, we are super busy, but are we moving in the right direction with our life? 
Ask yourself, “Are my decisions right? Do they bring me where I actually want to go?” Look at the way you live your typical day: is that the way you will go back to Godhead? This is the question we shouldn’t be afraid to ask. Take a look at the way you live your life now and ask, “Does this schedule help me attain love of Godhead?”
No one here is lazy, you are all very engaged, but is it the right type of life? Are the things that need to be in place in order to obtain the higher goal in life in place? 
Sometimes, we might find ourselves stuck in a life that asks us to compromise. If that’s the case, don’t become desperate. Start small, add one practice that brings you closer to your goal of life into your schedule – one thing. And this one thing will naturally create the enthusiasm and insight in your mind that will empower you to keep adding. 
When you start with one thing that is right, usually more right things follow. Have you noticed this? You can’t change your whole life at once, but you can add one helpful practice and this will expand.
Especially by hearing, Krishna comes into our heart and then He becomes active. Suddenly you will notice, “Oh, I no longer desire to engage in this time waster.” You’ll wonder, “What happened to me?” Well, Krishna has happened to you [laughs].
From a lecture by Sacinandana Swami on December 31, 2022, in Goloka Dhama, Germany.

Conflicting views and the unifying principle

Question: You explained we need to learn how to associate with devotees. Could you elaborate on this and also explain how we can deal with conflicting views?
Answer: Wonderful question. Yes, the Bhagavatam explains that when associating with devotees of the Lord, we need to learn to interact on the spiritual platform. This is very, very important. If you look around in this room, most of the people are not people whom you would ordinarily meet. You only meet these people because we are all engaged in one activity: to serve and celebrate Krishna.
So if this unifying principle of serving Krishna is not there in the association of the devotees, there is no reason to stay with these people. 
Therefore, the Bhagavatam says one should learn to associate with the devotees of the Lord by hearing, chanting and serving together. Prabhupada once gave a lecture where he said, “The world needs Krishna consciousness desperately. We shouldn’t waste our time by arguing among ourselves about minor differences. We should unite in this one work: to give the world what it needs, Krishna consciousness.” So here he gives us this principle: associate on the unifying level. 
Now, when there are differences of views – which will happen – someone thinks, “We should rent the church in Amsterdam for a program.” and someone else thinks, “No, let us all go on pilgrimage to Radhadesh.”, we shouldn’t quarrel. We should sit and discuss what is best. The criterium for that is the thing that’s best for the service to the devotees and Krishna. 
There will be differences of opinion, please don’t be in illusion about it. As long as we are in a material body and have a material mind, there will be different perspectives. We all have made different experiences and we have different inclinations and tendencies. There will be differences. To expect that there are no differences between devotees is to expect utopia. 
But we need to work out our differences by referring to the unifying principles that this is service to Krishna and cooperate. And sometimes you may need to say, “We see it differently, then let us do what you suggest.” You may need to think, “Let me not be so attached to my perspective because after all, it’s only a view point. A view from a point.”
You learn this as you get older, you stop being so attached to your own ways. At least this is how it should go. Hare Krishna. It’s more important to be unified in Krishna consciousness than to be right or have your own way.
From a lecture by Sacinandana Swami on December 31, 2022, in Goloka Dhama, Germany.

Srila Prabhupada: How can one be indifferent to the world? 

The question may be raised that if the living entity has to act as the superintendent of the activities of the bodily combination, then how can he be indifferent to the activities of the body? The answer is given here: these activities are completely different from the activities of the spirit soul of the living entity. A crude example can be given in this connection. A businessman riding in a motorcar sits in the car, supervises its running and advises the driver. He knows how much gasoline is used up, and he knows everything about the car, but still he is apart from the car and is more concerned with his business. Even while riding in the car, he thinks of his business and his office. He has no connection with the car, although he is sitting there. As the businessman is always absorbed in thoughts of his business, so the living entity can be absorbed in thoughts of rendering loving service to the Lord. Then it will be possible to remain separate from the activities of the material body. This position of neutrality can be possible only for a devotee.
From Srila Prabhupada’s commentary to Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.20.12
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