Saranagati No. 142

Kirtan and the art of real transformation – part I

The idea of transformation is completely different from rejecting or renouncing something. Transformation means taking one thing and changing it into something else. Many people in our movement are eager to get initiated and hear their new name, but when you talk with them in an honest moment, they will say, “I have a new name, but I haven’t really changed.”

It is easy to change your hair style, diet, or the way you dress, but this is not what Krsna consciousness is about. It has nothing to do with this. So, the question is: what does real transformation mean?

When you’re transformed you have new thoughts and feelings. Your character changes. You’re able to control your lower nature. You develop tolerance, kindness, new values and spiritual desires. Your taste changes, you laugh at different jokes. Your old friends might notice that you’ve changed. You will even have new dreams. Your faith changes from lokika-sastriya to sastriya-sastriya.

Krsna consciousness is about changing your idea of being a maya-dasa or dasi, who is aware of the material energy, into the idea of being a Krsna dasa or dasi whose awareness is filled with Krsna, always thinking of Him, never forgetting Him. That’s very difficult. Many of us are still on our way to this level.

For your inspiration, I want to share a story of true transformation with you. It is the story of the queen Surangi Maharani. Queens live in luxury. They say one word, and it is done. Queens have many servants, but this queen became a simple street sweeper in Vrindavan…

The Transformation Of Surangi Maharani

Surangi Maharani was the queen of Kashmir in the 16th century. One day, queen Surangi was terribly bored. She sat on her ornate couch and said to her maidservant: “I’m so bored. I’ve tried everything to lift my mood, but nothing worked. Can you tell me an interesting story, or sing a song that can lift my spirits?”

Her maidservant was born and grew up in Vrndavana, and she started telling a story about a cowherd boy who fell in love with the daughter of a king. This resonated with Surangi Maharani. She was also born in a royal family, and sometimes had thoughts about falling in love, since her marriage wasn’t happy. So Surangi was highly interested, “What, the cowherd boy fell in love with a princess? Tell me more!” Every afternoon from that day on, until late at night, her maidservant shared more of this story with Surangi. It turns out this cowherd boy lifted mountains and triumphed over many demons. He danced on the heads of a snake and was in love with the princess called Radharani.

She told her that Radharani also fell in love with the cowherd boy, whose name was Krsna. And one day, Krsna’s parents arranged for a yajña, sacrifice, at Govinda Kund to enhance the duration of Krsna’s life. When Radha heard about this sacrifice, she went there, together with her maidservants. On their way, Krsna, dressed very colorfully, jumped onto the path in front of Radharani and said, “Stop!” Radharani looked away. Krsna said, “I have to collect a tax from you.” Radharani said, “We’ve never had to pay any tax here before!” But Krsna pointed a bit higher up onto Govardhana hill towards a toll station and said, “This is new!” Radharani asked, “On what authority are you collecting this tax?” Krsna said, “Kamadeva Maharaja, the God of love has ordered this, and you will have to pay.”

Hearing this story, Surangi Maharani said, “I don’t like Kashmir. I want to go to Vrndavana and stay there in the land of Radha and Krsna.” Her maidservant said, “But that’s dangerous! There are so many obstacles between here and there: robbers, rivers, unwilling boatmen, and most importantly, your husband will never permit you to leave, what will he do without you?” Surangi replied, “I must go.” So the maidservant understood.

Together, they went to the king to request for permission to go to Vrndavana. He was against it, saying, “My dear queen, you must be out of your mind. It’s such a long way. You will have to cross through hostile kingdoms. And do you really want to leave me?”

But three months later, Surangi Maharani left anyway. She went to Vrndavana and wanted to find Dhana-gati, the place where the tax collecting pastime takes place. She approached a sadhu to ask for the way, she said, “I’m a fallen soul, a servant of Krsna, and I would like to go to Dhana-gati. I want to give Him everything.” The sadhu saw her earnestness and led her there. She jumped out of her palanquin and danced. Her ornaments flew off her. She prayed in ecstasy, “Krsna! I’m only your servant, please take me!” When poor people started collecting her ornaments from the ground, she allowed it: “I’m no queen anymore.” From that day on, she stayed in Vrndavana, and as her service swept the paths of Vraja till the end of her life. She was given samadhi in recognition of her great devotion, and at that time the sadhus placed the instrument of her service, the broom, onto her chest.

What is your instrument of service?
It’s a nice question, isn’t it: how do you serve Krsna?


What is necessary to bring about such a change? There are five processes given in our tradition that will help you develop your spiritual identity:

1) Committing to a specific spiritual path, which is outwardly shown by the tilak sign (urdhva-pundra). This commitment sometimes requires you to go against the stream, when everyone else yells “Yes!”, you say, “No.” 
2) Tapa, austerity. This is required to understand the subtleties of spiritual life. You need to follow four rules and regulations, and you need to rise early in the morning. You need to be willing to do these kinds of austerities for your service, for Krsna. Of course, the intensity in which you practice these rules and regulations has to fit your personality, only then you can consistency follow them.
3) Nama, the Holy Name and your own spiritual name
4) Mantra, absorbing yourself into the Gayatri mantra three times a day
5) Yajña, sacrifice, deity worship. Either you perform it yourself, or you participate.

These five agents are given at initiation and are essential to transformation. You don’t have to transform on your own steam. Engaging in these processes brings about change. However, they are not all. Dhrtarastra was also initiated, but didn’t transform. We need another agent – which we will discuss in the next Saranagati Newsletter, so stay tuned!

Until then, I invite you to reflect on this question: What could help me transform my heart, that I’m not doing at the moment?

Form a lecture by Sacinandana Swami at Simhachalam, May 5th 2023



Just become meek and humble. san-mukharitam bhavadiya-vartam and try to receive the message from the authorized sources. sthane sthitah […] tanu-van-manobhiri – in whatever condition you work, you don’t have to change. You simply hear. Then a day will come when you will be able to conquer the Supreme Lord who is unconquerable. God is great. Nobody can conquer Him. But if you simply follow this process in whatever condition you are in, if you simply try to hear about God from authorized sources, then one day you will be able to conquer God … within your hand.

From Srila Prabhupada’s speech at the OSU Yoga Society (1969), Back to Godhead Magazine, #28.

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