Saranagati No. 140


You can turn to Krsna at any place in your life. We may sometimes feel a little distant, but you can actually practice Krsna-consciousness in all stages of life. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says (SB, 2.9.36, purport): “Bhakti can be practiced in all stages of life. Prahlada practiced in the womb. Dhruva practiced when he was a child. Ambarisa practiced as a youth. It can be practiced even in hell.” He then quotes the Nrsimha Purana: “When those in hell chant the name of the Lord they develop bhakti to the Lord and go to the spiritual world.”, and then concludes: “In this way bhakti has been distinguished as the proper sadhana.”

You should never say, “Oh, it’s too late.”, or “I’m too fallen.”, or “I tried so many times to be inspired.”, or “I tried so many times to chant my 16 rounds.” You can always start anew. This is an interesting fact about bhakti. On the jñana and karma paths there are moments of no return, when you’ve blown it for that life, but not on the bhakti-path.

In order to keep practicing bhakti in all stages of life, you need enthusiasm. Srila Prabhupada talked about this in Los Angeles (August 2nd, 1970). At that time he was very ill and had a meeting in the temple room with all the devotees where he asked them to chant the Nrsimha mantra. Then Prabhupada said, “So my advice to you: I am an old man. So even I may not return, you shall continue this Krsna consciousness movement. This is eternal and I shall request you to keep the standard as I have already given you the program. The Deity worship, the sankirtana, the street sankirtana, distribution of literature, books. You should carry on this program with great enthusiasm. That is my request.”

The devotees were a little shocked since Prabhupada said they may not see him again. He then explained the six things that will keep the devotees enlivened in his absence: 1) enthusiasm. When the enthusiasm runs out, bhakti gets difficult. It runs out when our faith breaks. Enthusiasm in Krsna consciousness is not based on the mode of passion, “I want to reach this goal!”, it is based on faith. So when faith dries out, enthusiasm follows. Then 2) be patient and 3) move on with conviction. You also need to 4) follow the rules and regulations, 5) be straightforward and 6) associate with devotees. In the Satvata-tantra Siva says to Narada Muni, “Without the association of devotees bhakti cannot rise.” You need the association of devotees.

Then Prabhupada says, “If you can keep these six principles always in front then your progress in Krsna consciousness is sure. There is no doubt about it. So, as far as possible I’ve tried to train you and you are doing nice. I’m satisfied. So keep the standard and go on. March forward and Krsna will bless you. Thank you very much.”

Srila Prabhupada does what every true spiritualist does. He says, “Please go to Krsna. Go to Lord Nrsimhadeva. Keep your enthusiasm alive. It should be a mature enthusiasm, not a passionate one that demands to see results. Be patient, results will come. Remain convinced. Follow the process, be straightforward and keep the association of devotees.

I would like to share two practices with you that I find very helpful to stay enthusiastic:
1) gratitude and

2) connecting with Krsna when you’re stressed, or the mind is disturbed.


If you ask me what my spiritual development has been like these past years, I’ve become very grateful. Every day I thank Krsna, “I can’t believe my life is so blissful. I can do service the whole day. I’m together with nice devotees. I’m welcome in many places in the world. What life you have given me!” I’ve noticed this kind of simple gratitude has attracted so many good things into my life. There are always things we can complain about in our lives. But if you complain, you will attract more of the dark energy. I’ve noticed that I can always find things I’m grateful for.


My dear devotees, I would like to share how I practice Krsna consciousness when I’m under stress. I’ve discovered a wonderful method. You know how it is, when you’re disturbed by something, the mind goes back to it, again and again. So, I tell myself, “Stop. I don’t want to be ruled by a mind that always picks up negativity, fears and anxiety.” Then I accept my anxiety and remind myself, “I am an eternal soul. In this life I am born in this body. I want to help people advance in their spiritual life. Sometimes I may make mistakes, but my intention is good. I know this. I am eternal part of Krsna. This life is very small. In a few years I will have forgotten about this anxiety. There is no problem. The problem comes from the fear of the mind.” Then I go to the seat of the soul, to this light-filled space, as a part of the Lord Himself. I form the resolution, “I want to stay in this spiritual place. I don’t want to lose this. I want to change from a human doing, thinking and worrying to a human being, being part of Krsna. And after doing this, I feel blissful.

A large percentage of what happens to us as individuals absolutely depends on our state of consciousness. In the right consciousness we attract the right people and circumstances. Krsna reciprocates with us on the level of consciousness we operate from. Stay connected to the soul and you will see miracles.

This is my take on enthusiasm. Your mind is like a garden where the seed of bhakti can grow into a powerful creeper. Don’t fill this garden with things that don’t belong there, that discourage you and make you depressed. Keep your mind on the essentials and you will become successful. Hare Krsna.

Form a lecture by Sacinandana Swami at Simhachalam, May 6th 2023.


We perform philanthropic work, thinking that we are the friends of human society. Someone may proclaim himself to be a very good national worker, the best friend of the people and of the country, but actually he cannot be the greatest friend of everyone. The only friend is Krsna. One should try to raise the consciousness of the conditioned soul to the platform of understanding that Krsna is his actual friend. If one makes friendship with Krsna, one will never be cheated, and he will get all help needed. Arousing this consciousness of the conditioned soul is the greatest service, not posing oneself as a great friend of another living entity. The power of friendship is limited. Although one claims to be a friend, he cannot be a friend unlimitedly. There are an unlimited number of living entities, and our resources are limited; therefore we cannot be of any real benefit to the people in general. The best service to the people in general is to awaken them to Krsna consciousness so that they may know that the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor and the supreme friend is Krsna. Then this illusory dream of lording it over material nature will vanish.

From Srila Prabhupada’s purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.27.4.

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